Highlights From May's New Items

I visited Andalucia in Spain quite recently and was fortunate enough to visit The Alhambra. The symmetry of the architecture is stunning and it is one of the most beautiful buildings I have come across in Europe.
This poster shows the famous lion fountain found in the main courtyard.

We have a large number of Guinness Advertisement posters from across the years and there are four new designs this month.
This one is an imprtant one as it is for the 200th Anniversary of the first pint of Guinness.

We have a couple of cute cat pictures this month and this one has to be my favourite British Railway poster of all time. This cute cat, pawing at the water would make anyone want to visit The Isle of Man on holiday.

We already have one Inter City 125 poster that is very popular and here is another one for the route between London Paddington, Bristol and South Wales.
There is also a poster for the 125's succesor, the Advanced Passenger Train (APT)

Here's one straight from the movie The Men Who Stare at Goats. As to why staring in to a sheeps eyes would make you want to go to Gstaad in Switzerland I have no idea, but someone clearly thought it was a good marketing tool.

Finally a cute poster depicting a small boy trying to get to the jam in his Mum's pantry. Another cute Poster for Hartley's Jams.